
CONGRATS to Project Rebound and ACLU!!!


Huge, huge props to Jason, George and Yoel and the entire Project Rebound and ACLU teams for hosting such a tremendous DA forum yesterday with over 100 attendees!!  SF Rising provided voter registration applications and live tweeted the event.  Both Emily from SF Rising and Jullian from The Justice Collaborative played a huge role in pulling this event together.  ACLU livestreamed the event from the Meet Your DA Facebook page.  Topics ranged from gang enhancements to overcharging… scroll down for a list of the pre-assigned questions.  You can read about the differences between the candidate responses on the SF Rising twitter feed

Note: if you click here and press “play,” the video will start at around 90 minutes… you’ll hear a question from an SFSU professor of Latino studies about white supremacy… the conversation that follows touches on the importance of inclusivity, immigrant rights, fighting white supremacy and all forms of racism -- one of the many highlights from the event

I’m attaching a handful of the event feedback forms – participants clearly walked away feeling informed about the election and motivated to vote.  Several listed immigration as an issue they care about most in this election.  When we asked how we could improve future events, the comments focused on air conditioning (the room was packed!), more time for questions from the audience and finding a larger space for more people. 

A powerful takeaway from yesterday… this is what happens when people who are directly impacted by the system are at the center of the process.  Really looking forward to working with everyone on the October 7 forum on immigrant rights and other future events!!